TEST  R11-8


Four friends want to go to the cinema together. Read about their tastes and the films that are on and films the one that suits them all.


a) Harry prefers actions movies and thrillers.

b) Ann gets sick when she sees blood and is scared of vampires

c) Sheila values jokes and humour more than anything.

d) Alan gets bored if no one is killed.


1. “ Hotel ‘Desire’”, England, 1997, 146 min. A real life drama of two lovers who are destined to love but be apart. Josephine working as a room-maid meets Simon , a married busnessman from Liverpool and affair begins. Seeing that this relationship  is not going to last , she tries to kill herself but survives to meet new ordeals.

2. “Black in colour”, USA, 1999,102 min. Naturalistic saga about a medieval castle with all its inhabitans both living and dead. The authors are on good terms with history and literature, although this does not help to get rid of the impression that the old duchess is the old lady next door to you. Shocking scenes are the best.

3. “Murder is what we need”, France, 1999, 113 min. When an unpleasant old lady dies in her bed no one seems to be upset. The only person who cares is a young policemen who is bored with the quite life in this village and eventually  things turn out to be not as simple as they look. Light-hearted dialogues and energetic plot outweigh mediocre acting.

4. “A bird’s cage”, USA, 1998, 98 min. Another of wellpresented vulgar comedies. A minor clerk finds his macho brother goes out with his wife and decides to ruin the brother’s career of a model. If you know this sort of films you’ll easily  the ending. The jokes are sometimes funny but the rest is very far from real life.

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